Space is Limited. Email to inquire.

Healing begins here...


First Visit* 

(120 Minutes)


Includes a conversation about your health, past and present, as well as your goals; assessment of Qi flow, pulses, tongue, alignment, treatment.











...and continues here


(Sessions available from 60-120 minutes)

60 Minutes $100

75 Minutes $130

90 Minutes $150

120 Minutes $200

60 Minutes (child) $75

Auricular $75

Includes any or all of the following healing modalities: acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, Reiki, my unique blend of needle-free AcuReiki, education, wellness coaching.  

The Way it usually Goes...

Patients begin with an hour and a half or two hour visit.  The second and third visits are usually scheduled at an hour to an hour and a half.  Some patients find that longer sessions are always appropriate, while others like to aim for shorter and shorter sessions.  Together, we will determine the appropriate frequency and session for you.  Sometimes, we need extra time, and I will always check and not assume, before proceeding into additional increments of time.